Presenting our 2nd Annual Year-end Reflection... a summary of results from my community of entrepreneurs and independent creatives. It’s been a lot of fun reviewing your annual reflections over the past few days!

I loved reading your stories and trying to understand how they matched (or didn’t match) the numbers… analyzing how it all compared to 2021… and then visualizing the data into these little bar charts too.

What stands out was how difficult 2022 was for many of us… on almost every metric we performed worse… financially, creatively, and personally!

The only 2 scores that ran counter to this trend were our risk taking adventurous attitude and our optimism for next year…
But maybe this is no surprise for this group as y’all are mostly independent creatives and startup founders!

Unfortunately, despite all that ambition we may also be one of the most self-critical groups of people out there.
And that’s one big reason I wanted to do this survey… to help us gain context, to learn from each other’s stories, to understand we’re so similar in such a way… and that we’re not alone in this great adventure.

The macro economic and geopolitical news suggests that 2023 will continue to be a difficult time… and again unfortunately, that will likely directly affect independents greatly (as many of us live without a safety net).
Despite all that ambition we may also be one of the most self-critical groups of people out there.
And while I never was financially rich, I believe in a different type of wealth… and that is built of social capital… a luxurious net of relationships, both deeply knowing and supporting each other and widely casts, including all types of creatives across the globe.

So thank you again for being a friend, for sharing your stories, and supporting me thru mine 🫶🫶🫶 I think this’ll continue to be important in this new year.
Wishing you luck and courage and continued persistence in whatever part of the journey you’re on! 🔥🔥🔥