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- About Us
/// Weirdos wanted
but first...
a bit more about us
No two projects have ever been the same for us. Over the past 12 years, our clients have ranged from industrial manufacturers to multinational retailers, from trippy new brands to visionary entrepreneurs, from universities to other consultancies.
With services like design and facilitating, strategic consulting and inspirational speeches, and products both digital and physical... we interact with our clients in many ways... but at the core of it all is our mission to inject more meaning and thoughtfulness into the world.
We need switched-on minds and beating hearts to join us in this mission. In 2020 we became a global network of creatives (expanding from our fixed team & location in Shanghai). Collaboration is the absolute foundation of our creative growth.
If this sounds compelling to you, then please write us to tell us all about yourself!!
Are you a weirdo?
Name *Nickname, DJ name... whatever you go bySocial Media *Email *Who are you? *Big question... what's your answer?File UploadHelp us understand you more... portfolio, personal intro video, PPTUpload FileUp to 20 MBWhat to say about yourself...
Well, we want to hear it all, and we'll have time to really get to know each other, but to start things off... consider answering one of these questions:
- Why do YOU want to collaborate?
- Mangos or strawberries?
- What's the story of you?
- What weird talents do you have?
- What do you dream to work on?
- What's your mission in life?
- What's the greatest project you've worked on?
- What are you absolutely obsessed with?
- What recommendations do you have for us? (books, tv, youtube, IG accounts, etc.)
© Let’s Make Great! 2025